
Audience Sufficiency

Retail Media Network

Expand your first-party audience to grow your retail media network


One of our fast-growing retail client with double-digit stores across the US was facing a problem endemic to brick-and-mortar retailers. They were executing billions of daily in-store transactions but only having the capabilities to identify a small fraction of the customers behind these purchases.

Investments had been made into developing and launching a loyalty program to better understand customer behavior, enhance engagement, and improve measurement capabilities, but the program identification rate stayed stubbornly low.

A vast majority of the in-store shoppers continued to remain anonymous, which translated into inefficient internal marketing and constrained revenue growth in their retail media network.


Utilizing the retailer’s point-of-sale (POS) transaction data, and its industry leading offline to online identity resolution capabilities, Bridg significantly increased both the number of identified in-store shoppers and transactions attributable to individual consumers.

The retailer now has access to millions of additional privacy-safe, marketable customer profiles with SKU-level purchase history, demographic, socioeconomic, and special interest attributes, that will help them drive personalized and meaningful campaigns to their shoppers.

If your business is looking for ways to identify anonymous customers and uncover deeper insights around spending behavior, reach out to us today! 

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Grow loyalty, increase visits and overall value

customer checking out with card at point of sale system in store


Expand your first-party audience to grow your retail media network

One of our fast-growing retail client with double-digit stores across the US was facing a problem endemic to brick-and-mortar retailers. They were executing billions of daily in-store transactions but identifying only a small fraction of customers. See how they overcame this challenge with Bridg's solution and saw significant results!

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Increase customer frequency, and check value